Media Kit
Press Releases
- The BlockStart Partnership Program — A New Funding Opportunity for Blockchain Startups and SMEs (Press Release nº1, December 2019)
BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Press Release nº2, August 2020)
Shaping Europe’s Blockchain Future – BlockStart’s startups first Demo Day (Press Release nº3, October 2020)
BlockStart presents 5 f Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (Press Release nº4, November 2020)
BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (Press Release nº5, January 2021)
BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Press Release nº6, March 2021)
Blockchain beyond the hype – BlockStart’s startups 2nd Demo Day (Press Release nº7, June 2021)
BlockStart presents 5 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (Press Release nº8, August 2021)
BlockStart 3rd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – last piloting opportunity (Press Release nº9, September 2021)
From Blockchain to Web3 – BlockStart Startups 3rd Demo Day (Press Release nº10, February 2022)
BlockStart presents 6 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (Press Release nº11, March 2022)
- 3 years of BlockStart – summary video (Press Release nº12, April 2022)
Block”Start” kick “start”s September with new amazing opportunities (Newsletter nº1, 1 September 2020)
Autumn is here, but BlockStart will not “fall” behind (Newsletter nº2, 12 October 2020)
Ho-ho-ho! X-mas “start”ed earlier for “block”chain enthusiasts this year (Newsletter nº3, 2 December 2020)
Roses are red, violets are blue, BlockStart brings new partnerships & funding just for you <3 (Newsletter nº4, 3 February 2021)
One Easter egg a day, makes BlockStart give funding opportunities away (Newsletter nº5, 25 March 2021)
April showers bring May flowers and your last chance for support that will blossom your solution (Newsletter nº6, 29 April 2021)
“May” luck be with all that apply to our final call (Newsletter nº7, 24 May 2021)
Vacation mode is on as BlockStart travels to the amazing world of blockchain (Newsletter nº8, 21 June 2021)
Hello September, let’s bring back blockchain funding, news and events! (Newsletter nº9, 14 September 2021)
Trick or treat for BlockStart events & funding (Newsletter nº10, 12 October 2021)
Ho Ho Ho! Check the presents under BlockStart’s tree (Newsletter nº11, 1 December 2021)
It’s the beginning of the end! (Newsletter nº12, 27 January 2022)
Tick tack ⏱ Time is running out! (Newsletter nº13, 22 February 2022)
Looking back at our main events ⏪ (Newsletter nº14, 30 March 2022)
The end of BlockStart 3-year journey 🍾 (Newsletter nº15, 28 April 2022)
Press Clipping
- Supporto a PMI nel settore Blockchain: pubblicato il primo bando BlockStart (FIRST, Italy, 16 December 2019)
- BlockStart procura soluções inovadoras para impulsionar adopção de blockchain (business-it, Portugal, 16 December 2019)
- Developers e start-ups de blockchain podem candidatar-se ao BlockStart (Link to Leaders, Portugal, 17 December 2019)
- BlockStart: Developers e startups de blockchain chamados à Europa (Empreendedor, Portugal, 17 December 2019)
- BlockStart: Podpora pre blockchainové aplikácie v oblasti ICT, fintech a obchodu (, Slovakia, 6 January 2020)
- Bright Pixel procura programadores e startups de blockchain para projeto europeu (Dinheiro Vivo, Portugal, 7 January 2020)
- Bright Pixel procura programadores e startups de blockchain para programa europeu (dn_insider, Portugal, 7 January 2020)
- Bright Pixel procura programadores e startups de blockchain para projeto europeu (Computerworld, Portugal, 7 January 2020)
- Blockchain, due bandi per le PMI (Abruzzo Sviluppo SpA, Italy, 10 January 2020)
- BlockStart – Blockchain Partnership Program (Novo Rumo a Norte, Portugal, 13 January 2020)
- BlockStart: Podpora pre blockchainové aplikácie v oblasti ICT, fintech a obchodu (ERA Portal Slovensko, Slovakia, 14 January 2020)
- The BlockStart Partnership Program — A New Funding Opportunity for Blockchain Startups and SMEs (CORDIS, EU, 23 January 2020)
- The BlockStart Partnership Program – A new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and SMEs (NCP Brussels, Belgium, 24 January 2020)
- Finanţări de 20.000 euro pentru startup-urile de blockchain (StartupCafe, Romania, 27 January 2020)
- BlockStart – Concurso de apoio às PME na adoção da tecnologia blockchain (AEP, Portugal, 27 January 2020)
- Regione Lazio, supporto a PMI nel settore Blockchain. Primo bando BlockStart (Tribuna Economica, Italy, 28 January 2020)
- Finanţări de 20.000 euro pentru startup-urile de blockchain (Cryptonews, Romania, 28 January 2020)
- Prijavite se na program BlockStart do 10. februara (Centralna Bosna, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4 February 2020)
- La blockchain entra in azienda con i finanziamenti UE. Chi può chiederli? (Ipsoa, Italy, 4 February 2020)
- Consórcio Europeu procura em Lisboa projetos de blockchain para áreas como retalho (Hipersuper, Portugal, 5 February 2020)
- Abertas candidaturas para acelerador de blockchain (IT Insight, Portugal, 5 February 2020)
- (AICEP Portugal Global, Portugal, 5 February 2020)
- BlockStart: conhecidas as 10 startups vencedoras da primeira call (Distribuicaohoje, Portugal, 3 April 2020)
- BlockStart (Startup Lithuania, Lithuania, 10 April 2020)
- #StartupsKillTheVirus: gran evento online para apoyar a startups con financiación europea, servicios y formación en tiempos de COVID19 (Zabala Innovation Consulting, Spain, 16 April 2020)
- #StartupsKillTheVirus: Online event to support tech innovators in time of COV19 crisis with European funding and support services (Data Market Services, EU, 17 April 2020)
- Ieguvēji. “Kedeon” saņem grantu (LA.LV, Latvia, 23 April 2020)
- Equity-free funding and acceleration support for SMEs using blockchain: apply to calls (Startup Divison, Lithuania, 6 May 2020)
- Equity-free funding and acceleration support for SMEs using blockchain: apply to calls (Civitta, Lithuania, 6 May 2020)
- Blockstart: Ayudas para el desarrollo de pymes en Blockchain (ACTIS, Spain, 13 May 2020)
- Recap of Coimbra Sustainability Summit Plenary Session 4 – Funding Landscape (DIATOMIC, EU, 1 June 2020)
- BlockStart Blockchain Partnership Program 2020: up to €20,000 equity free in cash (Alpha Gamma, The Netherlands, 19 July 2020)
- BlockStart OPEN CALL #2 – To be launched soon (Euroquity, EU, 24 July 2020)
- Consórcio BlockStart procura novos projetos baseados em blockchain (Dinheiro Vivo, Portugal, 28 July 2020)
- Consórcio europeu procura projetos de blockchain (Smartplanet, Portugal, 28 July 2020)
- BlockStart abre nova call para projetos em blockchain (Empreendedor, Portugal, 28 July 2020)
- BlockStart: programadores e start-ups de blockchain chamados a apresentar projetos (Link to Leaders, Portugal, 29 July 2020)
- Consórcio europeu procura novos projetos em blockchain (IT Insight, Portugal, 29 July 2020)
- “O próprio BlockStart servirá de piloto para a Comissão Europeia” – Benjamin Júnior (PME Magazine, Portugal, 3 August 2020)
- Consórcio europeu BlockStart procura projetos baseados em blockchain (ComputerWorld, Portugal, 3 August 2020)
- Consórcio europeu BlockStart procura novos projetos em blockchain (Made of Lisboa, Portugal, 7 August 2020)
- BlockStart: Programa Europeu de blockchain tem €265 mil para acelerar projetos de retalho e fintech (Hypersuper, Portugal, 7 August 2020)
- EU funding available for blockchain startups targeting SMEs (Ledger Insights – Enterprise Blockchain News, Cyprus, 7 August 2020)
- BlockStart | Candidaturas até 30 de setembro (IAPMEI, Portugal, 7 August 2020)
- Os fundos da UE podem ser usados para startups de blockchain visando PMEs (Fintech, China, 8 August 2020)
- BlockStart Program for investment into a blockchain startups (TA Advisor, Russia, 9 August 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (CORDIS, EU, 9 August 2020)
- EU funding for blockchain initiatives targeting SMEs (Blockchain Turkey, Turkey, 10 August 2020)
- BlockStart program: Nova prilika za financiranje blockchain razvojnih projekata i SME-ova (Hrvatski Bitcoin Portal, Croatia, 11 August 2020)
- Consórcio europeu BlockStart procura novos projectos em blockchain (Business IT, Portugal, 11 August 2020)
- BlockStart – Convite para a apresentação de propostas | 30 setembro (EEN Portugal, 11 August 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Bitcoinguide, EU, 11 August 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs | News – CORDIS Noticias (Business Fast, United Kingdom, 11 August 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, 14 August 2020)
- BlockStart – candidaturas até 30 de setembro (Feed Empregos, 17 August 2020)
- BlockStart – Concurso de apoio às PME na adoção da tecnologia blockchain (Novo Rumo a Norte, Portugal, 17 August 2020)
- BlockStart Blockchain & DLT Assessment Tool (BlockIS EU Project, EU, 25 August 2020)
- BlockStart Open Call #2 (Évora University, Portugal, 27 August 2020)
- BlockStart – Concurso de apoio às PME na adoção da tecnologia blockchain (AEP Link, Portugal, 27 August 2020)
- Program BlockStart otevřel nové kolo financování pro blockchainové firmy (CTK Ceske Noviny, Czech Republic, 27 August 2020)
- Blockchainové projekty mohou získat tisíce eur z programu BlockStart (, Czech Republic, 28 August 2020)
- Financing start – ups (Inkubator Sezana, Slovenia, 28 August 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Ecommerce Europe, EU, 28 August 2020)
- Webinar: Should I use blockchain? (EVEA, Estonia, 31 August 2020)
- Blockstart Program (INOVA DE, Germany, 31 August 2020)
- BlockStart – konkurs dla startupów z branży blockchain (Polska Export Promotion Portal, Poland, 1 September 2020)
- BLOCK START 2nd OPEN CALL (EURADA – through SCALE UP Interreg Project, EU, 3 September 2020)
- BLOCK START 2nd OPEN CALL: a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Interreg Europe, EU, 3 September 2020)
- Fonduri europene 2020: Până la 20.000 Euro pentru startup-uri IT (Startup Cafe, Romania, 4 September 2020)
- Fonduri europene 2020: Până la 20.000 Euro pentru startup-uri IT (, Romania, 5 September 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – funding opportunity for blockchain start-ups and end-user SMEs (European Cluster Collaboration Platform, EU, 10 September 2020)
- Program BlockStart otevřel nové kolo financování pro blockchainové firmy (Czech Republic The Country for the Future, Czech Republic, 10 September 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call – A New Funding Opportunity for Blockchain Start-ups and End-user SMEs (Scottish EU Funding Portal, United Kingdom, 10 September 2020)
- Inviting start-ups and SMEs to participate in the BlockStart project (ZRP, Poland, 11 September 2020)
- BlockStart Seconda Call – scadenza 30 settembre 2020 (Comune di Zola Predosa, Italy, 15 September 2020)
- 2nd open invitation of BlockStart Program (InnovationCenter Attica Region, Greece, 18 September 2020)
- Application for blockchain startups and SMEs to support their development solutions (palyazatmenedzser, Hungary, 22 September 2020)
- Funding and Projects (International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP), Worldwide, 23 September 2020)
- Newsletter September 2020 (EUResearch, Switzerland, 23 September 2020)
- BlockStart: Neue Fördermöglichkeiten für Blockchain-Unternehmen (Forschungsnetzwerke Energie, Germany, 23 September 2020)
- BlockStart com candidaturas até 30 de setembro (LinktoLeaders, Portugal, 24 September 2020)
- BlockStart open call (EOCS DIH, EU, 28 September 2020)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call A New Funding Opportunity for Blockchain Startups & end-user SMEs (Call for Funds, EU, 28 September 2020)
- The BlockStart Partnership Program — A New Funding Opportunity for Blockchain Startups and SMEs (Ideal-ist, EU)
- BlockStart Open Call #1 (EEN BB, Germany)
- Online event to support tech innovators in time of COV19 crisis with European funding and support services (Brainport, The Netherlands)
- Funding opportunities for Maltese Blockchain/DLT startups + Webinar (MCST, Malta)
- BlockStart | Candidaturas até 10 de fevereiro (IAPMEI, Portugal)
- BlockStart Blockchain Partnership Program 2020 (StartupXS, EUA)
- Ne dižite ruke od preduzetništva, ja sam uspeo iz 14. puta (Bizlife, Serbia, 9 October)
- “Don’t give up on entrepreneurship, I succeeded from the 14th time” (Techdeeps, USA, 9 October)
- Oblikovanje europske Blockchain budućnosti (Hrvatski Bitcoin Portal, Croatia, 21 October)
- Oblikovanje europske Blockchain budućnosti (Crypto Telegraf, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 21 October)
- Blockchain: a implementação no panorama nacional (IT Insight, Portugal, 1 November)
- Being one of the Top 5 Blockchain companies: BlockStart Journey of Infidia (Infidia, Serbia, 2 November)
- How to Upgrade an MVP to the Market-Ready Product Track & Trust with the support of BlockStart (Datarella, Germany, 6 November 2020)
- Five blockchain startups graduate from BlockStart accelerator (, EU, 10 November)
- BlockStart presents 5 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, 11 November)
- Five blockchain startups graduate from BlockStart accelerator (Ledger Insights, Cyprus, 11 November)
- Polaris Tx, reconocido a nivel europeo por el programa BlockStart (Sixphere Technologies, Spain, 11 November)
- Fostering innovation via decentralized infrastructure: the success story of Golem Network | BlockStart (Reddit, 25 November)
- BlockStart presents 5 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (CORDIS, EU, 7 January)
- Há duas startups portuguesas entre as finalistas do programa europeu BlockStart (Dinheiro Vivo, Portugal, 14 January)
- Blockchain: Duas startups portuguesas estão entre as 10 finalistas do programa europeu BlockStart (Teck.Sapo, Portugal, 14 January)
- Há duas startups portuguesas entre as finalistas do programa europeu BlockStart (Observador, Portugal, 14 January)
- Duas startups portuguesas entre as 10 finalistas do BlockStart (Exame Informática, Portugal, 14 January)
- Há duas startups portuguesas entre as finalistas do programa europeu BlockStart (The World News, Portugal, 14 January)
- 2 portuguesas entre as 10 finalistas do programa europeu BlockStart (Link to Leaders, Portugal, 15 January)
- Startups portuguesas entre as finalistas do BlockStart (Empreendedor, Portugal, 15 January)
- Startups nacionais Knowtary e Sensefinity estão na final do BlockStart (Business.IT, Portugal, 15 January)
- How can policy makers support the digitalization for European SMEs? (Zabala Innovation Consulting, Spain, 21 January)
- PRESS RELEASE: BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, 22 January)
- This Week’s Opportunities For Startups: Explore It Now! (Startup Lithuania, Lithuania, 25 January)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (CORDIS, EU, 27 January)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (Ecommerce Europe, EU, 27 January)
- BlockStarti partnerlusprogrammi voor avatud (EVEA, Estonia, 1 February)
- Jaunuzņēmums ‘Kedeon’ iekļuvis ‘Techstars’ akseleratora programmā (Delfi Bziness, Latvia, 3 February)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (Made of Lisboa, Lisbon, 5 February)
- Blockchain, gara per Pmi innovative: candidature entro l’11 marzo (Il Denaro.IT, 10 February)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME Adopters of Blockchain Technology – a New Piloting Opportunity (BNT Bitnews Today, 19 February)
- Blockchain: bando per PMI innovative nell’ambito del progetto BlockStart (Europa Innovazione, February)
- SECONDA OPEN CALL BLOCKSTART: Opportunità per PMI innovative a supporto dello sviluppo di applicazioni blockchain (AFIL, Italy, February)
- BlockStart 2 – otevřená výzva pro malé a střední podniky využívající blockchainovou technologii – nová příležitost k pilotnímu zapojení (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic, February)
- BlockStart 2nd Open Call for SME adopters of blockchain technology – a new piloting opportunity (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic, February)
- How to know if your company needs blockchain? (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, February)
- BLOCKSTART OPEN CALL FOR SME Adopters (Scale Up Interreg Europe, EU, 12 February)
- BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (CORDIS, EU, 22 March)
- BlockStart Open Call #3 is now open! (Development Center of Kakanj municipality, Bosnia, 23 March)
- Top Crypto News: 03/24 (Altcoinbuzz, 24 March)
- BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (E-commerce Europe, EU, 26 March)
- Great funding opportunities to support your venture in 2021 (Alpha Gamma, France, 26 March)
- BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Made of Lisboa, Portugal, 29 March)
- Kolmas ja viimane BlockStarti avatud voor. Tähtaeg 26. mail (EVEA – Estonian Association of SMEs, Estonia, 29 March)
- DAO Weekly Recap Sunday March 28th (BTC Manager, 30 March)
- Block Start 3 – Otvoreni poziv za blockchain startupe (Hrvatski Bitcoin Portal, Croatia, 30 March)
- TRUSTS Tip: BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (TRUSTS Project, EU, 1 April)
- DAO Maker – Weekly summary 6-35: Growth Days (Live Bitcoin News, 1 April)
- Startup Events Of The Month: What to Attend in April? (Startup Lithuania, Lithuania, 2 April)
- BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Startup Lithuania, Lithuania, 2 April)
- Acelerar a blockchain na Europa: BlockStart abre novas candidaturas para startups (Computer World, Portugal, 6 April)
- BlockStart Open Call #3 (StartupXS, 6 April)
- BlockStart abre novas candidaturas para acelerar startups (Sapo PME Magazine, Portugal, 6 April)
- Startups de blockchain têm última oportunidade para participarem no BlockStart (Business IT, Portugal, 7 April)
- Abertas candidaturas a iniciativa de blockchain (Smart Planet, Portugal, 7 April)
- BlockStart quer acelerar a Blockchain na Europa e abre candidaturas para a terceira edição do seu programa (SapoTek, Portugal, 9 April)
- BlockStart quer acelerar a Blockchain na Europa e abre candidaturas para a terceira edição do seu programa (Diario Esportes, Portugal, 9 April)
- Abertas novas candidaturas para startups de blockchain (IT Insight, Portugal, 10 April)
- Exploring Blockchain Ecosystem: Collaboration Between Startups and SMEs online event (CORDIS, EU, 11 April)
- Event: Current and future state of European blockchain ecosystem (NGI TruBlo Project, EU, 12 April)
- Supporto a PMI nel settore Blockchain: pubblicato il terzo bando BlockStart (Campania Digital Innovation Hub, Italy, 12 April)
- BlockStart procura soluções baseadas em blockchain (LinktoLeaders, Portugal, 13 April)
- BlockStart – Concurso de apoio às PME na adoção da tecnologia blockchain (Novo Rumo ao Norte, Portugal, 13 April)
- Apply to Blockstart! New funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Sponsored) (EU Startups, EU, 15 April)
- Inscreva-se no Blockstart! Nova oportunidade de financiamento para startups de blockchain e PMEs de usuário final (patrocinado) (Zephyrnet, Portugal, 15 April).
- Apply to Blockstart! New funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (Sponsored) (Startup Around, 16 April)
- EU funding available for blockchain startups targeting SMEs (Ledger Insights – Enterprise Blockchain News, Cyprus, 16 April)
- Al via la terza Open Call di BlockStart: il programma di accelerazione per le startup in ambito Blockchain (ARCA, Italy, 16 April)
- EU funding available for blockchain startups targeting SMEs – Ledger Insights (University Crypto BTC, 17 April)
- EU funding available for blockchain startups targeting SMEs – Ledger Insights (Crypto News BTC, 17 April)
- Rusza nabór do unijnego akceleratora programu BlockStart. Czas na zgłoszenia do 26 maja (MAM Startup, Poland, 20 April)
- BlockStart | Blockchain Partnership Program (Techstars startup digest, Italy, 20 April)
- BlockStart Blockchain Partnership Programme 2021: Up to €20,000 in cash equity-free (Alpha Gamma, France, 24 April)
- Open call for the BlockStart project (Institute for Technology Transfer and Innovations, Bulgaria, 25 April)
- Tercera convocatòria BlockStart per a solucions innovadores de blockchain (Cerdanyola Oberta, Spain, 26 April)
- Apply now to BlockStart’s last open call (Development Aid,Cyprus, 27 April)
- Fonduri europene de până la 20.000 Euro pentru startup-uri IT (Startup Cafe, Romania, 29 April)
- PRESS RELEASE: BlockStart 3rd Open Call – a new funding opportunity for blockchain startups and end-user SMEs (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, April)
- How to Know if Your Company Needs Blockchain? (Gov Tech Lab, Lithuania, April)
- European Open Calls for third parties attraverso l’iniziativa Cascade Funding (Digital Innovation Hub Smile, Italy, April)
- BLOCKSTART Blockchain Partnership Programme (Startup Europe Club, April)
- BlockStart Open Call 3 for developers of blockchain-based applications (Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0, Spain, April)
- Block Start (S3P T&BD – Agrifood Thematic Partnership on Traceability and Big Data in the agrifood value chain, EU, April)
- Financiranje zagonskih podjetij do 20.000 € (Inkubator Sezana, Slovenia, April)
- BlockStart Open Call #3 for SME adopters of blockchain-based solutions (S3P T&BD – Agrifood Thematic Partnership on Traceability and Big Data in the agrifood value chain, EU, April)
- BlockStart Open Call for participation at the Ideation Kick-off event (S3P T&BD – Agrifood Thematic Partnership on Traceability and Big Data in the agrifood value chain, EU, April)
- BlockStart Open Call – Funding for Blockchain Startups Targeting SMEs (Block.IS, EU, 5 May)
- BlockStart: Partnering SMEs with blockchain (European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, EU, 6 May)
- BlockStart Open Call – Funding for Blockchain Startups (, EU, 7 May)
- BlockStart: Partnering SMEs with blockchain (European Trade Promotion Organisations’ Association, EU, 7 May)
- BlockStart is a six-month acceleration programme funded by the European Commission, which aims to promote blockchain adoption in retail, fintech, and ICT. (ID Consortium, Spain, 7 May)
- BlockChain, open call Horizon 2020: fino a 20mila euro per startup e Pmi (Il Denaro.IT, Italy, 11 May)
- BlockStart Blockchain Accelerator: Last Open Call – Grants up to €20k (EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum, EU, 12 May)
- BlockStart Open Call #3 for blockchain/DLT developers and SME adopters of blockchain technology (SCALE UP, EU, 12 May)
- “How to make sure regulation helps and not hinders the development of blockchain solutions” online panel discussion (CORDIS, EU, 18 May)
- BlockStart Webinar on “Blockchain: trends, myths and things you might not know” (CORDIS, EU, 18 May)
- BlockStart last call for applications closes this Wednesday (EMERGE (Telegram), N.d, 24 May)
- Supporto europeo alle PMI: blockchain per fintech, ICT e retail (Polo ICT, Italy, 26 May)
- BLOCKSTART (Startup Europe Club, EU, May)
- ????BLOCKCHAIN FUNDING ALERT ???? (Trends Map, N.d, May)
- Funding opportunities for Maltese Blockchain/DLT startups + Webinar (MCST, N.d, May)
- Apply now to BlockStart’s last open call (European Cluster Collaboration Platform, EU, May)
- BLOCKSTART SMEs Open Call (EEN Basque Country, Spain, May)
- BlockChain | open call Horizon 2020 | fino a 20mila euro per startup e Pmi (, Italy, May)
- BLOCKSTART – Blockchain Partnership Programme (Bocconi University, Italy, May)
- Open Call for DLT Developers: BlockStart Partnership Programme (EURACTIV, EU, May)
- Funding opportunity for blockchain startups (EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum, EU, May)
- BlockStart’s Third Open Call for SME adopters (EURACTIV, EU, May)
- Blockchain beyond the hype – BlockStart Blockchain Accelerator’ Startups 2nd Demo Day (CORDIS, EU, 16 June)
- Blockchain beyond the hype – BlockStart startups 2nd Demo Day (European Commission, EU, 17 June)
- We are happy to become mentors of the BlockStart consortium & share our Tezos knowledge with startups (Reddit, N.d, 18 June)
- PRESS RELEASE – Blockchain beyond the hype – BlockStart’s startups second Demo Day (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, 21 June)
- 30 JUNE | BLOCKSTART | Demo Day (Startup Lithuania, Lithuania, 21 June)
- Portuguesa Knowtary é uma das cinco finalistas do programa BlockStart (Business IT, Portugal, 23 June)
- BlockStart: Portuguesa Knowtary chega à final e apresenta protótipo em blockchain (Computer World, Portugal, 23 June)
- BlockStart: Há uma startup portuguesa entre as finalistas que vão apresentar protótipos em blockchain (Tek Sapo, Portugal, 23 June)
- Blockchain Beyond the Hype – BlockStart’s Startups Second Demo Day (Coinspeaker, N.d, 23 June)
- Knowtary chega à final do BlockStart com protótipo em blockchain (Link To Leaders, Portugal, 24 June)
- Startups europeias de blockchain apresentam as suas soluções em Demo Day (Empreendedor, Portugal, 28 June)
- Blockchain beyond the hype – BlockStart startups 2nd Demo Day (ICOHOLDER, N.d, June)
- Blockchain Beyond the Hype – BlockStart’s Startups Second Demo Day (Cryptopys, N.d, June)
- 超越炒作的區塊鏈——BlockStart 的初創公司第二個演示日 (Ox Information, N.d, June)
- BlockStart Open Call #3 for SME adopters of blockchain-based solutions in the areas of fintech, ICT and retail – 2nd cut-off (Nir-vana, EU. June)
- Portuguesa Knowtary entre as startups finalistas do BlockStart (Startups Magazine, Portugal, 5 July)
- EU backed blockchain accelerator BlockStart selects five startups – Ledger Insights (China Digital Currency, China, 26 August)
- EU backed blockchain accelerator BlockStart selects five startups (Ledger Insights – Enterprise Blockchain News, Cyprus, 27 August)
- BlockStart presents 5 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (, N.d., 27 August)
- EU backed blockchain accelerator BlockStart selects five startups — Ledger Insights (Daily Block Explorer, N.d., 27 August)
- BlockStart Presents 5 of Europe’s Most Promising Blockchain Startups (Startup3, N.d., 30 August)
- BlockStart presents 5 of Europe’s most promising blockchain startups (ICT Cluster Central Serbia, Serbia, 2 September)
- Inside BlockStart Universe (European Blockchain Convention, Spain, 13 September)
- Application of NFTs: beyond art and collectables (EISMEA, EU, 27 september)
- BlockStart SMEs – Call for Blockchain Adopters until November 10t (DT2 Invest Launchpad, N.d., 29 september)
- Appels à projets dont l’échéance approcheAppels à projets dont l’échéance approche (ZABALA Innovation Consulting, France, October)
- Blockpulse lance un appel à projets auprès des startups de la Frenchtech (Blockpulse, France, 21 October)
- Digital Innovation News n.55/2021 (Digital Innovation Hub Liguria, N.d., 5 November)
- Save the Date: Joint Block.IS & BlockStart Policy Workshop (Block.IS, EU, 5 November)
- Workshop: How European Policy Initiatives Can Enable the Future of Blockchain (Block.IS, EU, 5 November)
- Block.IS & BlockStart Policy Workshop: Meet the Speakers (Block.IS, EU, 15 November)
- Digital Village secures funding to develop its metaverse (Fashion United, 10 December)
- BlockTac seleccionada para la fase piloto del programa Blockchain Partnership de BlockStart (BlockTac, 17 december)
- BlockFrauds joined the R3 Venture Development programme (Blockfrauds, UK, January)
- From Blockchain to Web3 – BlockStart Startups 3rd Demo Day (Made of Lisboa, Portugal, 15 February)
- Promising blockchain startups pitch their pilots (Startup Regions, N.d, 15 February)
- From Blockchain to Web3 – BlockStart Startups 3rd Demo Day (European Blockchain Convention, Barcelona, 18 February)
- From Blockchain to Web3 – BlockStart Startups Demo Day 3 (CoinMarketDo, N.d, 26 February)
- BlockStart (Icoholder, Nd, February)