is a deep-tech cybersecurity spinoff from University of Jyvaskyla. They develop a totally unique and cutting-edge platform for automating security analysis and pre-certification of IoT devices in particular their firmware and software.
As part of their journey on BlockStart’s 3rd Acceleration Programme, as an SME adopter, they were looking for new opportunities for collaboration with technology providers of DLT/blockchain solutions that could improve their business. This is the testimonial of their experience in our programme.
In one paragraph, what is Binaré.io? is a deep-tech cybersecurity spinoff from University of Jyvaskyla. We develop a totally unique and cutting-edge platform for automating security analysis and pre-certification of IoT devices in particular their firmware and software. We also possess and develop cutting-edge know-how, such as cybersecurity assessment of aerospace, space, and maritime systems.
What is Binaré.io passionate about achieving?
Help secure the next 1 billion of IoT devices around the globe. Why? We know how. We have the technology. Yet, IoT security is in a very bad state and affects the entire Digital Lifestyle everywhere.
Can you tell us why you have decided to apply to BlockStart’s 3rd Call for end-user SMEs?
DLT is and will be a cornerstone technology, and we think it has a lot of potential to help secure billions of IoT devices, hence BlockStart is a perfect opportunity to explore such R&D&I directions. Also, as we offer advisory services, this is a unique opportunity to shape our business and technical offerings related to blockchain security advisory services.
What major challenges have you faced during the implementation/testing of BlockStart’s blockchain-based solution?
The numerous ways the blockchain/DLT is being perceived, understood, implemented, offered creates an immense complexity. This makes the security analysis and applications-for-security of DLT being still incipient and fuzzy at the moment.
What kind of impact do you think the blockchain-based solution you have implemented in the scope of BlockStart may bring to your company?
We are confident BlockStart will help bootstrap our technology advance in the DLT/blockchain space, both in the advisory expertise offering as well as at the platform level implementation.
Where do you see your company in 5 years?
We aim to become a globally leading IoT cybersecurity company, that also develops and offerts DLT/blockchain-based solutions for increased security and privacy of IoT deployments/devices.
Want to know more about the blockchain-based solution adopted by Binaré.io?
Visit Digital Village’s webpage or watch the video below to learn more about the “Digital Village”, solution implemented by Binaré.io in the scope of BlokStart’s 3rd Acceleration Programme.
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