Watch BlockStart’s Webinar to learn more about the project and how to apply to our Open Call #2
In this Webinar, Nadine Teles and João Fernandes, part of the team behind BlockStart, presented the BlockStart Partnership Programme and the guidelines and procedures when applying for its Open Call #2. They showed the steps future applicants should take to apply and tips to choose the right track, based on lessons learned from Open Call #1.
2 companies that are currently involved in BlockStart’s Pilot stage – Infidia and Leste – were also invited to provide their testimonial of what is like to be part of the teams selected and how their startups have grown since they joined the programme. While Mirko Kikovic, from Infidia, spoke about his journey as a DLT/blockchain developer in BlockStart, Srdjan Tomasevic provided a very interesting feedback on their experience as an end-user SME/adopter, who has now been partnered with Infidia during the Pilot stage of our programme.
At the end of the Webinar, there was time for Q&A, where several of the future applicants’ questions were answered.
What are you waiting for?
If you think BlockStart may be a good fit for you:
Applications are open until 30th of September at 5pm CET (Brussels Time). Read the Guidelines for Applicants and visit our FAQ section to ensure that you know everything there is to know about BlockStart before applying and, if you have any questions, send us an email to We will be happy to help!