Sixphere helps you to digitize your industrial processes

Seville, Spain

Established in 2016

Teaser of the company

Sixphere is a team focused on helping its clients in their ways through the digitalization processes. The compay is specialized in industrial digitalization providing Polaris Tx as a platform to perform that digitalization on production control, quality control and supply chain control contexts.

Best solutions for digitalization projects, aligned with business strategies, is the core Sixphere provides to its clients, using innovation and technology.

Sixphere has developed the following blockchain-based prototype in the scope of BlockStart:

Polaris Tx tries to solve very simple problems: you need to register, together with partners, your business transactions, providing your own data schemes, and integrating your existing systems for massive operations.

This is done using blockchain and IPFS to build a trustworthy network, using JSON-LD to build your own data schemes and semantic interoperability, and APIs and Kafka to build an integration layer.

These aspects are very common in huge supply chains and manufacturing industries. Sixphere provides it as a service.

Technical development during Prototype stage

During the development of Polaris Tx, the following technical developments have taken place:

This is the main interface of the system. These are the main features a user has available:

  • Users and organizations management. Users can create and manage organizations and their members.
  • Schemes management. Users can create a version of their own information schemes. Those schemes can be public and shared with other users.
  • Transactions management. Users can exchange information with other users through registering business transactions based on the owned schemes.
  • Business transactions can be sent to be signed by more than one user. The transaction is not completed until a signing quorum is reached.

Streaming channels via Apache Kafka are available to connect external systems for a massive operation. There are available bidirectional channels to set subscriptions to integration error logs.

A complete API REST is available as well, not only for the connection among the internal components but also for external systems connections too.

This is a set of microservices designed to be deployed on Kubernetes clusters. This condition will allow Sixphere to scale the system in the future. This is the layer in which the business logic is developed. One of the most important services in the core is the cache and indexation service. This service will allow Sixphere to implement high-performance features for the public, for example, to verify transactions.

This is another essential feature that will allow Sixphere to scale the system. Every action in the system is handled by an asynchronous job that is executed in time by several parallel processors.

A business transaction is composed of a header in which owner, type, body hash, and signatures fields are deployed. This header is pushed and stored in an ethereum blockchain using smart contracts.

The body of a business transaction, its attached documents, are stored off-chain using IPFS. The hash code of a body is stored in the header of the transaction, on-chain.

Business development during Prototype stage

During the development of Polaris Tx, the following business developments have taken place:

  • Sixphere has changed its business focus. The company thought technologies were the important points in its project, and although they are, the team realized that the solution it provides is more important than blockchain. It’s the teams’ main learned lesson. Thanks to this, Sixphere’s main change has been the pricing model: before it was based on pay per transaction, now it is a subscription based model. This helps to mitigate one of the biggest problems when a company tries to adopt blockchain, the misunderstanding, as they usually do not know about transactions, tokens, decentralization, etc., they just need to pay for a service.

  • To implement the business plan, Sixphere plans to hire 4 new developers this current year. With them, the company aims to support its first version and develop the features it has in the backlog.

  • For now, Sixphere is focused on validating the first version of its solution. Thanks to the BlockStart programme, the company has met 6 potential adopters, at least 3 of them very interesting for the company’s solution. Additionally, Sixphere has just launched a marketing campaign in order to prospect more leads to help them validate the solution during the beta period. Currently, almost 100 leads have been engaged.

Meet the Team

Alejandra Rosa Prado
Alejandra Rosa PradoCo-Founder and CFO (Finance)
Passionate about technology. I love organizing trips. My leitmotif: smile at life
Jesús María Jurado Núñez
Jesús María Jurado NúñezCo-Founder and COO (Operations)
Amateur photographer and data miner. I like motorcycles and programming, but I don’t know in which order
Álvaro Fernández García
Álvaro Fernández GarcíaCo-Founder and CCO (Sales)
An Agile & DevOps enthusiastic, who loves seafood and folk music
José Antonio Mora Martínez
José Antonio Mora MartínezCo-Founder and CTO (Product)
More a music lover than a geek, although I prefer creating software to many other things
Fernando Jiménez Rivera
Fernando Jiménez RiveraSoftware Engineer
I enjoy new technologies and challenges. I like AI but what I like the most is eating tacos
Daniel Toscano Becerra
Daniel Toscano BecerraSoftware Engineer
I love solving problems using lateral thinking. I speak English with my tomatoes
Pablo Román Alfaro
Pablo Román AlfaroSoftware Engineer
Adventurer, traveler, photographer, cheese, ham, and beer lover. AKA the software’s MacGyver
Alberto Márquez Márquez
Alberto Márquez MárquezSoftware Engineer
Technology, PC and videogames forever. Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads
Maribel Sánchez Deblas
Maribel Sánchez DeblasHuman Resources and Media
Late-night reader and talker. I am dedicated to people and everything different than programming
Sara González
Sara GonzálezCommunication
Ambassador woman for the Miguelitos de La Rosa. A passionate woman of communication and vindictive of social causes
Jesús Serrano
Jesús SerranoCopyWriter
Marketing scientist. I like disclosure, traveling, reading, and talking about it, beer in hand

Sixphere Technologies’ achievements

Media features

For more information, download the company’s portfolio:

Our drive through BlockStart programme has allowed us to finish the first version of our solution with the invaluable help of awesome mentoring and continuous feedback from programme members and potential adopters. The opportunity to get opinions and help from potential customers is an essential asset provided by this programme. This is something you can use to work out the final details of your solution.

Jesús María Jurado Núñez, Business and Sales Manager, Sixphere

Total funding received by Sixphere Technologies under BlockStart: €16,000 (€1,000 for Ideation Kick-off and €15,000 for Prototype stage)