Supply Chain monitoring: from raw data to insights
Sintra, Portugal
Established in 2014
Teaser of the company
Is your company fully digitalized? Sure, front, and back office probably are. But what about your logistics? Do you know where your products are always? And in which conditions? Temperature, Humidity? Did someone steal it or broke it? Whenever it is vaccines, organic food, or luxury products you need to monitor closely the location and conditions. Sensefinity offers a complete blockchain-based real-time sensor solution. Let’s make Logistics visible!
Sensefinity has developed the following blockchain-based prototype in the scope of BlockStart:
Food provenance certification through technology: control food origin and monitor its distribution from farm to fork with sensors, trackers and blockchain
This is the century of consumers. They demand that products have quality but also are produced with high standards for ethics and within a sustainable process. To make sure that the food we have on our plate don’t come from deforestation farms or from heavy environment exploitation we must monitor food production and distribution. Sensefinity developed a set of sensors and trackers that allow to register the location and the conditions of transportation of biologic products.
Since there are many stakeholders, there’s a need to guarantee that such registration of food transport conditions is immutable and auditable. This is where blockchain shines: all the information is impossible to change and accessed to all authorized partners thus creating a trust and secured information share. All stakeholders in the “food chain”: producers, 3PL operators, retailers and even other startups in the agritech space can benefit from Sensefinity’s platform.
Technical development during Prototype stage
During the development of Sensefinity, the following technical developments have taken place:
Business development during Prototype stage
During the development of Sensefinity, the following business developments have taken place:
Meet the Team

Blockchain was always on Sensefinity’s radar but as a startup there’s so much to do that some ideas just sit forever on the “To Do” list. However, for us, blockchain is not just another “feature”. It’s a revamp of our value proposition that will allow us to enter new markets. Blockstart was key in pushing us into developing a blockchain offer. Not only the grant that funded the development but also the awesome mentoring we had guiding us on value proposition, business model, and GTM. The SMEs were also a ton of value: talking with SMEs you get to know real use cases and adapt your development to market’ needs, achieving PMF.
Participating in blockstart took us from zero offer on blockchain, to develop a prototype, engage with SMEs and other startups to the final result: an update on our value proposition that led us to 3 new customers! We started as a logistics monitoring company and evolved to an asset certified provenance business!
Although the program is finishing this is not the end. The strong network of mentors, cohort startups and SMEs will continue to push us forward in our vision to be the number 1 company for asset provenance based on blockchain.
Total funding received by Sensefinity LDA under BlockStart: €16,000 (€1,000 for Ideation Kick-off and €15,000 for Prototype stage)