Letmellor‘s goal is to turn ancient property to socially relevant and commercial success.
As part of their journey on BlockStart’s 3rd Acceleration Programme, as an SME adopter, they were looking for new opportunities for collaboration with technology providers of DLT/blockchain solutions that could improve their business. This is the testimonial of their experience in our programme.
In one paragraph, what is Letmellor?
Letmellor’s goal is to turn ancient property to socially relevant and commercial success. Financial investment in ancient buildings is unsustainable, unless they combine social connectivity with commercial viability. Commercially successful property management emphasises premium location and architectural features to enhance rental market competitiveness whilst phasing out dependency on maintenance grants.
What is Letmellor passionate about achieving?
The sustainable renovation of ancient property by maintaining their continual social and economic relevance.
Can you tell us why you have decided to apply to BlockStart’s 3rd Call for end-user SMEs?
To achieve local prime mover advantage through the provision of commercial and domestic EV charging. Agevolt provided a secure, easy to use and simple to manage solution.
What major challenges have you faced during the implementation/testing of BlockStart’s blockchain-based solution?
Technical feasibility study needed focussed consideration, to optimise a charging layout within a compromised building layout. Further, the implementation of a technologically advanced and modern infrastructure in a UNESCO world heritage site utilising routine installation method, would have been a unsympathetic vulgar adaptation and visually intrusive. The eventual solution was to mount the charge station discreetly within the building but provide external access just to the charge cable, supplemented with a discreet brass QR code; elegant and unobtrusive. After physical installation, there was a follow up visit by Agevolt to ensure that the software was configured correctly and from a software perspective all is in order. One area of improvement is the explanation by Agevolt to their clients of how to implement payment systems, set coin payment coefficients and the purposes of minting and associated rewards. This does not effect the implementation of the solution, but will help optimise facilities management.
What kind of impact do you think the blockchain-based solution you have implemented in the scope of BlockStart may bring to your company?
As ICE vehicles become increasingly obsolete and EV use increased through the remainder of this decade, the implemented solution will increase footfall and undoubtedly enhance the commercial viability of the property.
Where do you see your company in 5 years?
The fully renovated structure will be providing three commercial areas covering 300m2 and a further 4 high quality residential properties covering 150m2. Lessons and processes gathered over the past 20 years will provide a firm repository of knowledge for future consultancy related to property renovation.
Want to know more about the blockchain-based solution adopted by Letmellor?
Visit AgeVolt‘s webpage or watch the video below to learn more about the “Digital Village”, solution implemented by Vertliner in the scope of BlokStart’s 3rd Acceleration Programme.
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